If you are reading this page, I understand that you are concerned about your privacy. As with any website, you have every right to know what information may be collected about you when you visit this little corner of the Internet. Rather than spend my time writing a document that even I would not be able to understand and read, I am going to give you a series of very clear points:

What information is collected about you 🔎

Nothing is collected about you. This is a static page that doesn’t require you to log in anywhere, that doesn’t ask you for any information and on which you don’t have to leave any comments. If you enter it you will only find my posts to read. Currently I have introduced a small script of code that only collects the visits that the page receives, all anonymously and without the need to use cookies.

Also, the information is only kept for 14 days (that was the minimum data retention time) and then it is completely deleted. If your browser uses an adblocker, your visit will not be counted.

Here is a demo of what I can see from my Dashboard. In my personal case, I only see visits and browsers, the other options (system, location and screen) are disabled.

Cookies 🍪

As you may have read before, your computer will not store cookies from this site because I don’t have cookies. If you don’t believe it click here: Spoiler alert: No cookies.